June 11, 2024

Understanding the Cost of Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. However, one of the most common questions potential patients have is: how much is ketamine therapy? This post aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ketamine therapy cost, helping you make a more informed decision about care.

Factors Influencing Ketamine Therapy Cost

The cost of ketamine therapy can vary based on several factors:

Route of Administration: The method of administering ketamine can impact the cost. Intravenous (IV) infusions are generally more expensive than intramuscular (IM) injections, intranasal sprays, or oral/sublingual tablets.

Condition Being Treated: The type of condition being treated also affects the cost. For instance, ketamine infusions for mental health conditions usually cost 40-60% less than treatments for chronic pain per session because they require longer infusion times.

Geographic Location: The cost of ketamine therapy can vary depending on the location of the clinic. Urban areas with higher operational costs tend to charge more for ketamine treatments.

Clinician Expertise: The qualifications and experience of the medical professionals administering the treatment can influence the cost. Treatments provided by doctors or nurse practitioners are generally more expensive than those administered by less specialized clinicians. States have different rules about who can prescribe and administer Ketamine and under what circumstances.

With Therapy: Incorporating a therapy component, such as ketamine-assisted therapy (KAT) or ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP), can also influence the overall cost of ketamine therapy. KAT/KAP involves additional sessions for preparation and integration. Preparation sessions help individuals prepare for ketamine administration sessions, while integration sessions help individuals take their ketamine administration experiences and integrate the learnings into their lives.

Typical Costs of Ketamine Therapy

The costs below are gathered from a 2024 sampling of over 500 clinics found in Meeko Health’s clinic directory

Intravenous (IV) and Intramuscular (IM) Ketamine Administration

IV Ketamine and IM Ketamine are the most common and effective forms of ketamine therapy. The cost per infusion or injection is between $375-$500[1] for treatment of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Treatments for chronic pain typically range from $675-$1200[2] per session because the infusion times are longer.

How many sessions do you need?

A full course of treatment for mental health conditions involves a series of 6 infusions or injections over 2 to 3 weeks, typically costing between $2250-$3000. Combined with preparation and integration therapy (KAT/KAP) the cost is typically between $3500-$5000 depending on the number of therapy sessions.

Insurance and Financing Options

Currently, most insurance companies do not cover ketamine therapy for mental health conditions, as it is considered an off-label use. However, some clinics offer financing options and payment plans to make the treatment more accessible.

Insurance companies will often cover the evaluation, intake, preparation, and integration sessions because they can usually be classified as covered therapy under healthcare plans. Each clinic providing KAT/KAP should be able to tell you if and what plans they take. This can help keep the cost of KAT/KAP to just the cost of the infusions.

Employers paying for care

Employers are starting to add benefits like the Meeko Health benefit alongside their current health plan to pay for Ketamine therapy for their employees. Individuals can check if their employer covers Ketamine Therapy.

Determining the actual cost of ketamine therapy

Understanding the ketamine infusion cost and the various factors that influence it can help you make an informed decision about pursuing this treatment. While the costs can be significant, many patients find the benefits of ketamine therapy to be life-changing, making it a worthwhile investment in their mental health.

For more detailed information and to explore your options, it's advisable to consult with a ketamine clinic near you. They can provide personalized cost estimates based on your specific needs and circumstances.

Please note: Intended for educational and informative purposes only and not intended to serve as medical or professional advice. For medical attention or advice you should consult your physician or other health care professional.


[1] May 2024: 25th-75th percentile Ketamine Administration Cost from Sampling of 119 IV & IM Meeko Directory Ketamine Therapy Locations.

[2] May 2024: 25th-75th percentile Ketamine Administration Cost from Sampling of 52 IV Meeko Directory Ketamine Therapy Locations.

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