Ketamine Therapy Detroit

The most complete directory of ketamine therapy providers in Detroit

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Ketamine Therapy Providers in Detroit

There are 1 ketamine therapy providers in Detroit, serving a population of 639,111 people. Clinics are primarily centered in more urban areas, but there are clinics across the entire Detroit area.

Click here to enter your address and find a ketamine therapy provider near you, and see below for details about all the ketamine clinics in the Detroit area.

Complete Ketamine Solutions

17888 Mack Ave #1 Grosse Pointe, MI 48230

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Detroit ketamine therapy FAQs

How much does a ketamine infusion in Detroit cost?

There are many factors that influence the cost of ketamine infusions. In Detroit the average cost of a single infusion for a mental health condition is $433. This is $25 less than the national average of $458.[2]

One explanation for the $25 difference is that the cost of living in Michigan is 7.3% lower than the national average.

Mental Health Statistics in Detroit

Ketamine, originally approved by the FDA as an anesthetic, is increasingly used off-label in Detroit to address various mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and substance use disorders. A 2023 KFF analysis of the US Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey reported that in Michigan:

  • 26.4% of adults in Michigan report symptoms of anxiety disorder, 1.8 percentage points lower than the national average of 28.2%.
  • 20.7% of adults report symptoms of depressive disorder, 1 percentage points lower than the national average of 21.7%.
  • 29.9% of adults report experiencing either anxiety or depressive symptoms, 2.4 percentage points lower than the national average of 32.3%.

This data underscores the mental health challenges residents of Detroit face, highlighting the importance of treatments like ketamine therapy.

[1] 2020 US Census

[2] May 2024 Meeko Clinic Directory sampling

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