I'm a Family Nurse practitioner. I primarily specialize in adult medicine. My focus is health promotion rather than disease management. Lifestyle modification rather than medications. My background is alternative health and sports medicine. I grew up in Japan immersed in holistic medicine and was a personal trainer before transitioning into a nursing career. I worked over 15 years as a nurse before becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I provide fee for service/concierge medicine tailored to the needs of my patients; phone consults, telemedicine, and in office appointments. I look forward to working with you on your health goals.
Hi, I am Marissa Dufur. I am a Nurse Practitioner. I started my journey in health care as a CNA in high school. I attended UVU then switched to Broadview University for my associates of applied science in nursing and graduated in December 2010. I started working as a RN in Feb 2011. I began my nursing career in hospice, transitioned to home health for a few years, then moved to the hospital working in neuro ICU. I had my first child after working in the hospital and the long shifts no longer worked for our family. I was introduced to Sutter Care at home where I was a phone triage nurse for nearly 6 years. While working phone triage I completed my bachelor's degree in nursing through Independence University. I returned to working in the hospice field in the community in fall of 2020. Doing so helped me to realize that I needed to once again return to school to further my education and become a nurse practitioner. I enrolled with United States University Spring of 2021 and graduated in June 2023 as a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner with a Master of Science in Nursing. Prior to completing my Masters, I worked as a Registered Nurse for 12.5 years. I have experience in hospice, home health, phone triage and ICU. I have a passion for primary care across the life span, pain management, hormone balancing, wellness, weight loss and peptides. I enjoy being efficient, listening to others and learning from them. I look forward to providing high quality holistic care and encouraging wellness for you and your family at Restorative Health
I'm a nurse practitioner with an extensive work history of pediatric cardiology. I'm passionate about long term solutions to the health problems my patients face
I am relatively new to Restorative Health but I am very grateful to have already helped so many people through their healing journeys. Before I came to Restorative Health, I spent many years working as a caretaker. My experience caretaking helps me intuitively care for patients facing a variety of different circumstances. My goal is to help people however I am best able; I strive to continue learning how to support my patients in both their physical and mental health.
Our focus is to improve the health of our community through the safest, most effective and affordable options available. We focus on health promotion rather than disease management. Lifestyle modification rather than medications. We have a strong background in primary care with over 15 years of experience. Payments are fee for service/concierge medicine tailored to the needs of our patients. This is handled through phone consults and in home or office visits. We are an ideal choice for uninsured as well as individuals with high deductible plans. We look forward to working with you on your health goals.