Dr. Austin Harris is a board-certified cardiothoracic anesthesiologist. He completed his Anesthesiology residency at the University of California Irvine (UCI), and his Cardio-Thoracic Anesthesiology Fellowship at Keck Hospital of USC. Even before beginning his private practice, Dr. Harris was finding that ketamine, a rarely used anesthetic tool, could have profoundly positive outcomes when utilized with specific patients. This sparked his in-depth research of ketamine’s previously obscure properties, and its remarkable potential in treating patients suffering from mental health, chronic pain, and addiction struggles. Dr. Harris focused first on surgical patients presenting with unique mood, pain, and opioid dependency. Then, after perfecting these techniques at medical offices across southern California, Dr. Harris formed NeuroRelief™ Ketamine & Infusion Therapy (Sherman Oaks, CA) to bring these successful results to the entire patient population. This much-needed service is now benefiting thousands of clients across the world.
Every client at NeuroRelief™ is independently assessed by combining objective tools with detailed phone and in-person consultations (and also with their loved ones). Dr. Harris takes a very unique approach with his clients. He believes in a “one-size-fits-one” approach to care. Utilizing CBT/Mindfulness, tailored guidance, emotional integration and constant communication Dr. Harris is able to customize each infusion protocol, and these additional resources, for every client. Dr. Harris is personally involved in every single treatment session, with every single client. This unique dedication creates a very valuable relationship with each individual patient. This allows a high degree of customization to ensure that each patient receives the perfect dosing regimen and experience Every single infusion we offer is “titrated in real-time.” This means that there is never a “set it and forget it” approach. We adjust and dial-in to each individual client’s unique neurology, psychology, personality, physiology, and tolerance levels throughout every treatment. In other words, no two treatment plans are ever identical, because no two people are the same. Every treatment day also contains one-on-one emotional integration work with Dr. Harris, before and after each ketamine infusion. In addition, Dr. Harris is available, directly to our clients, 24/7. This is an unheard of level of concierge support that has empowered our clients to reach amazing growth and wellness goals, and also learn how to maintain these gains for the long term! By maintaining a large network of personally vetted physicians, including psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, pain management doctors, physical therapists, addiction recovery specialists, holistic wellness experts, and many others, Dr. Harris can combine his therapies with these additional resources, according to the needs of each client. He believes strongly in the Integrative Medicine approach of mind and body, assisting each client in creating a personalized care plan, to optimize each client’s progress towards their desired goals. This is what NeuroRelief™ is all about! Dr. Harris often states that “we are outcome-driven and goal-oriented”. This careful attention to detail, by Dr. Harris and his entire care team, achieves maximal benefit and success for each individual client.