Dr. Stewart’s medical background began with combat medicine during the Vietnam war, early emergency medical services and eventually into the practice of emergency medicine for more than 25 years. He trained at the University of Washington and University of New Mexico. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine as well as a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Dr. Stewart served as chief of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Gallup Indian Medical Center where he worked for over 20 years and was instrumental developing their Trauma program. He has been a member of the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as a board certified acupuncturist trained in Chinese and herbal medicine. Dr. Stewart has a sub-specialty in Hyperbaric and Dive Medicine.
Dr. Stewart is Medical Advisor to Insight Ketamine. He is a board certified Emergency Physician, Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine practicing since 2003. He trained at UNM, UT Austin and OHSU in Portland. He worked for over a decade in Portland as an emergency physician, Emergency Department Chair and as an associate clinical professor. He is currently working with ketamine for mental health disorders in Oslo, Norway. His past research includes studies on the evolution of emotions and winter depression. He has also studied public health and his current research interests include using novel medications in the treatment of mood disorders.
Blair Anderson is a mother of two teenage daughters, a certified health coach with IIN and certified yoga instructor through Prajna Yoga. She earned her BA in Photography from St Edward University, and has called New Mexico home for the last 17 years. She loves all things health and beauty and for most of her adult life has been a mediator and practitioner of mindful living and creative thinking. When not cooking for friends and family, she can be found on the trails with her family or riding bikes around town visiting with friends.
Dr. Anderson is a Board-certified Emergency Physician and Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. He completed medical school at UTMB-Galveston in 2002 and residency training in the Emergency Department at Boston Medical Center in 2007. Since then he has worked as an EM physician on the Navajo Nation in Shiprock, NM, at Christus St. Vincent’s Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe, NM, and at Tairawhiti District Hospital in Gisborne, New Zealand. He has done additional training with the Integrative Psychiatric Institute for Ketamine Therapy, Henry Shukman’s Original Love meditation course, and programs through the Upaya Zen Center. “As an ER doc for almost 20 years, I have given ketamine for procedural sedation thousands of times, and taken care of many people suffering with depression, suicidality and trauma. Working with ketamine specifically to treat mental health has been one of the most fascinating and rewarding parts of my career thus far"
Dr. Rosen, a board-certified family medicine physician with fellowships in the Society of Hospital Medicine and the American Academy of Family Physicians, hails from Israel. He graduated from the international medicine program at Ben Gurion University, affiliated with Columbia Medical School, and completed his family medicine residency at the University of New Mexico in 2005. After moving to Arizona to work for the Indian Health Service, he settled in Santa Fe in 2008, spending two years at La Familia Medical Center. Between 2010 and 2022, he served as a hospitalist at Christus St. Vincent, taking on leadership roles including medical director of the hospitalist group and chief of staff from 2018 to 2019. His international experience includes work in Southern India and Guatemala. Following a personal tragedy, Dr. Rosen critically assessed the corporate medical system’s shortcomings, particularly in mental health care.
Dedicated to providing the highest level of comfort, care, and safety to patients seeking treatment for refractory major depression, chronic pain, bipolar disorder, and more through medically approved psychedelics. We are a small, independent clinic, providing customized physician guided ketamine therapy for our patients. We sit with each patient throughout the whole session to provide a safe and transformative experience, and the highest level of comfort, care and safety.