Marshall is a licensed, board certified Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist who is experienced with providing anesthesia in a variety of circumstances from complex cardiac surgical patients to the straightforward outpatient procedures. When not at Brandywine Therapeutics, Marshall can be found providing anesthesia to patients at Christiana Care Health System and BayHealth hospitals. Marshall has degrees from Michigan State University, University of Michigan and Drexel University. He is a member of The American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Pyschotherapists and Practitioners, The American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology and The Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Marshall is excited to help people with Brandywine Therapeutics.
Brandywine Therapeutics, located in Wilmington, Delaware, specializes in ketamine therapy as advanced, innovative therapy for patients with chronic pain and mental health concerns, including treatment-resistant depressions, anxiety, and more. We prioritize professional and clinical excellence, safety, and working together to achieve your physical and mental health goals. Brandywine Therapeutics works with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to meet your individual needs.